A Detour to Hell

A dark city street

The spirit world

     Will find you

In the least expected ways.

     With the doorway to

Heaven or Hell

     Being just beyond the haze.

I do not wish to see

     Or feel, or sense at any time

That world where we all will be

     When we are past our prime.

But I felt that I came very close

     To opening up that door

As I walked past the mouth

     Full of smelly, rotten gore

Where someone or something

     Had died un-pleasantly

Unaware that evil lurked,

     In that dark and dank al-ley.

The Ungodly One hides, ready to spring

     On my unsuspecting soul

Wanting to feed its hunger

     Inside that long deep hole.

I first became aware of

     An immorality

Hiding far within the depths,

     A growing malignancy.   

As the bright streetlight began to dim,

     Alas, without a glow,

My heartrate soon began to race,

     Yet my legs were iniquitously slow.

I knew I had to move quickly,

     Away from those shadowy bowels

But my brick-like feet held steadfast

     Until I heard the growls.

I shed that intense pall of fear

     And made myself move faster

Far away from that hole from Hell,

     Away from its evil master.

The end of a dark alley with strange light coming through doors

Photo by Hermes Rivera

I ran and ran and ran some more,

     Wanting to be away

From that opportunity too soon to learn

     What the spirit world is like to stay.

There is one thing that I learned that night

     And soon will not forget

If I take a new route home from work

     I’ll be sure to take a bat.


The Innocent and the Psychopath, Part One


Harvey’s Reaction to Paradise — A Big Difference from Carol’s