A New Year, A New Century, and A New Me
Photo by Sean Oulashin
I had been sleeping soundly when I felt a warm ray from the barely rising sun tickle my eyelids. I didn’t want to open them — it was way too early — but I couldn’t help feeling my lids fluttering from the need to shake off that probing warmth. I peeked through my lashes and saw the hint of blue in the sky as El Sol’s shafts began popping up over the horizon.
While I slowly opened my eyes to watch the sun’s performance, my mind began to awaken. I realized three things: I had slept on the beach all night, I really needed to pee, and I was naked beneath the blanket.
“Thank you, whoever covered me!” I whispered quietly, as I scooted to the blanket’s edge to relieve my bladder of its burden. What a relief — I mentally noted, as I scraped sand over the tell-tale wetness, wiped some grains off my butt, and slid back undercover. I had not disturbed the other body forms hidden beneath.
I saw the beach littered with the many wine bottles we had emptied last night and thought it was no wonder my bladder had been ready to burst. As I thought about our reasons for drinking so much, aside from ringing in a new year, we celebrated the beginning of a whole new century. What a unique opportunity for us, which none of us would ever see again in our lifetimes.
2000. Wow. Would I get used to saying that?
I thought about that phenomenon and became aware of another profound sensation within me. I was feeling as new as the year as well as the new century. I was realizing that the difference in me was how I now felt mentally, as well as how my system was feeling physically. I felt liberated in both mind and body.
I remembered last night’s dark moonless sky when it had lit up with bright, sparkling, bursts of colorful explosions, one after another as far as we could see down the beach. It was spectacular. The atmosphere was festive and anticipatory, and we were part of it. Everyone was cheering and celebrating that momentous occasion.
But that had not been the only kind of fireworks going on. I smiled as I felt the wonder of my satisfied body. It was because of the many ejaculations I’d experienced as we all had tried to out-explode those pyrotechnics. I knew this was the reason I felt so ‘new’. I had never had sex like that before, explosion after explosion.
We’d spread our blankets along a darker stretch of beach that was not near a hotel or restaurant, and we all sat drinking and eating in anticipation of the night’s events. One of the guys in our group had brought a flashlight-turned-lantern which helped us see the picnic-style finger food supper-in-baskets and to pour the wine into our cups from one of the many bottles we had brought.
What jubilation, I’d marveled, and what an adventure in Mexico I’d been having so far.
Just three days before, I had arrived in San José del Cabo with my friend, Meredith, who had invited me to come with her. That plane ticket had originally been for her cheatin’ boyfriend, which they’d purchased together for a week’s stay at an all-inclusive hotel until Meredith caught the dumb ass with another girl. She threw back his ring and gave his ticket to me, her best friend since grade school. She was intent on finding a new boyfriend and wanted me along for moral support. A fine thing, since this was a piece of paradise I would enjoy, no matter the reason for being here.
On our first night in San José, we met a group of guys and girls at a bar, one guy laying claim to my voluptuous, dark-haired, dark-eyed friend, and immediately took her onto the crowded dance floor. I was left sitting shyly at the table to chat with the others. Not being good with making small talk, I made an excuse for going back to our room and left.
It was late and I was tired, so sleep came easily, but then, I was jarred awake by the sound of the door slamming open and shut when Meredith came stumbling into the room and flopped down onto her bed. Panting. She was not alone. Although the room was dark, there was enough light from the microwave clock, and a crack between the curtains that filtered a bit of light from outside that allowed me to see the silhouetted twosome go at each other. They were like two prize-fighters in their attempt to see who could rip off the opponent’s clothing the quickest. I watched in awe. There was no way I could sleep with this show going on.
Photo by We-Vibe Toys
I pulled down my now damp underwear to stroke myself. I wasn’t worried about the other two seeing me, because they were into their own scene after getting naked. Grabbing, kissing, feeling, stroking, moaning, groaning, and pawing each other. I continued my own seduction of self to see if I could out-do them. I wanted to cum, and I didn’t think I would have long to wait.
The noises from the guy were more like groans and moans, but the sounds from Meredith were, “Hurry! Hurry! Oh my God, hurry!”
I rhythmically rubbed and stroked to the sound of the bouncing bed, and it didn’t take long to feel my body jerking then feeling the ooze of cum seep between my fingers.
Simultaneously, I heard Meredith give a yelp of pure pleasure, and then a muffled “arrrgh” sound from the guy who slumped to my friend’s side, and we all fell asleep.
The next morning, after quietly dressing, I left our room with the two barely covered, naked, sleeping bodies on Meredith’s bed to rediscover each other upon awakening. I wondered if they’d remember the night, and start again, or if the guy would creep away before his conquest awoke. I’d put my money on a continuation.
I went down to the hotel’s restaurant on the beach for breakfast, finding a table at the edge of the space near the sand. I had just finished eating and was enjoying watching the waves hit shore from the Pacific Ocean that was close to where it met the Sea of Cortez, when I saw a group of familiar faces walking near the wave line. One of them looked up and pointed at me. They all turned, waved, and then walked toward me. I scrambled to remember names but only came up with Steve, Natalie, and Collin.
“Hi, Pat! Any sign of our friends?” The one I thought was Steve asked.
I shrugged. “Still sleeping, I guess.”
Steve, who was a very good-looking guy, looked at me sympathetically, for having endured the imagined night, I figured, and said, “Your friend is certainly a partier. Josh had no chance!”
They all laughed.
“Just being facetious, of course, since it was obvious that your friend, as gorgeous as she is, had no chance of containing her virtue with Josh.”
I just smiled at this guy. If you only knew.
One of the girls said, “We’re thinking of getting tickets for a parasail ride. Interested in joining us?”
“Yeah, sure. Are you going soon?”
“Yeah, we want to walk the beach to see how far we can go and catch one of the parasailers somewhere along the way.”
And that’s how the new friendships began. We had fun finding things to do, other than just hanging out on the beach.
Photo by Louis Hansel
They all had arrived a couple of days before Meredith and me, from different areas of the continent, having met while at the same stopover before flying on to San José del Cabo.
They were fun and flirtatious, and it seemed a couple of them had already paired up. It was cute, but I wasn’t there to get hooked up with someone and doubted it would happen anyway. I was not gregarious and flirty like Meredith, who was adept at both.
While Meredith was occupied, I was enjoying the company of these new friends but was too shy to be flirtatious. That is, until New Year’s Eve when my alcohol intake was greater than I’d ever let it get, and I came out of my shell; rather like the hermit crab I’d see in the evenings carrying around its burden and finally crawling free. That night, we’d all been having a great time eating, drinking, making toasts, laughing, and yelling when there were spectacular showers of brilliance seen overhead.
The night was calm and warm, and I felt wonderful just being in my own thoughts, until I felt hands on my body, and lips trying to devour mine. I reacted spontaneously, surprising myself. With eyes closed the wine helped me give in and reciprocate as the hands roamed, lips and tongue explored, and clothes came off. More fondles and explorations continued. What a high to feel this free.
Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy
My body was on fire. I couldn’t get enough of the touches, the caresses, the probings with the mouth, tongue, and strokes, and I wanted to give the same pleasures I was feeling. I opened my eyes but saw only silhouettes and shadows, so I kept them closed.
My brain was fairly well saturated, open to any and all experiments, but not so much that I didn’t know what was happening or unable to feel the acute need for more.
Suddenly, I felt more hands on my body than just two. Was it my wine-sopped imagination? I didn’t know, or care, at that moment. I was on a new plane of excitement and ecstasy to give a shit about technicalities like who, or how many. I was in heaven. This was a whole new experience, and I felt like a whole new being.
Would I feel the same come morning?
I didn’t know, but I certainly hoped I would. I was tired of being known only as the Bookworm. It was time to live!
I felt the happy smile cling to my face along with the sun’s warmth as I thought about the night and feeling the newness and remembering the new edict, I’d given myself. I truly felt reborn, and I wanted to expand, be more experimental, and open.
As if my thoughts had been read, beneath the blanket that covered me, I felt a hand move across my stomach and down between my legs. My breath caught. I never dreamed that a nerdish bookworm could feel such power, strength, and pride. And with that thought, I felt my cock harden in anticipation to a degree I had never experienced before.
I turned to look at the bold person lying next to me but could only see that there were mounds below the blanket, and one was moving downward. I soon felt a mouth on my very erect member, with hands grasping the shaft. It didn’t take long to feel the explosion.
“Dear, God!” I managed to utter, as I laid in a stuporous state of ecstatic melt-down. “What just happened?” I whispered. “Am I dreaming?”
“Good morning, Patrick,” said a voice that came from the head that had just popped out from under the blanket.
“Yeah, it’s me! I decided that I was tired of the Josh’s in my world and realized who best to see another side of life than with my best friend. And, oh my, you did not disappoint.”
“Happy New Year, and happy 21st century, you two!” Chimed in Steve, who next emerged from the darkness of the cover.
Photo by Ian Schneider