An Ode to the Morning Songbirds (And the joy that they bring)
Photo by Joshua J. Cotten
Ah, the chirrups, tweets, whistles, and trills,
Which come from such tiny little bills,
That I hear each morn when I arise
The musical conversations I apprize,
And value each, and every note.
Some of the sounds seem to say,
“How are you?” “Good morn!” “Good day!”
While others make sounds with more of a need
Like “I’m hungry!” “Where’s breakfast?” “Bring more seed!”
And I hope they don’t miss their boat.
As the day grows brighter, the songbird’s sounds change.
Their melody differs, their tones a soft range.
There’s more of a chirr, or a consistent sound.
The conversations lessened, but warbles abound.
Regarding the morning’s bird’s sounds, I’ll share a fine quote,
From one who is a famous word enhancer,
Who says: “A bird does not sing because it has an answer,
It sings because it has a song,” by Maya Angelou.
I want to be like the bird, and sing my song, too.
May all of you be like the bird and share the songs you wrote.
And make every morning a time to embrace,
That which comes as you cut to the chase,
Making all your joys known as you shout to the world
“I love life and all of you!” while you twirled and swirled,
With a happiness you wish to denote.
Two more fine quotes to absorb:
“A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking, because her trust is not on the branch but on her own wings.” — Anonymous
“Wherever there are birds, there is hope.” ― Mehmet Murat Ildan