Forever Blowing Bubbles (A Hope for Our World)

Photo by Giu Vicente

What is it we seek,

When the world looks so bleak,

With all the hatred, chaos and strife?

I seek to be like a bubble we blow,

That can put on a great show,

As it meanders and life.


It has an ability to be,

More than you can see,

Because it will be the one and only one.

A beautiful bubble, when it’s blown,

Soars forward and upward and is well-known,

To show rainbows when touched by the sun.


The freedom of flight

Is unlike any kite, 

That is restricted by the string where it’s tied.

A bubble can change its direction,

And its shapes with perfection,

While it meanders and woos as it glides.


That’s all well and good,

But it must be understood,

That its existence comes with some dreads,

When the bubble can see,

What the worlds turning to be

It bursts from the tears that it sheds.


For it knows it can’t climb,

Away from the sublime,

And stay in its form much longer.

It feels the heat,

Of Mother Nature’s defeat,

From trying to make the world become stronger.

Photo by Mike Newbry

People seem bent,

On making known their intent

For having all things go their own way.

And a bubble can’t survive,

Or hope to revive,

Without respect for the earth where we stay.


The bubble will flounder,

And cease to meander,

While the earth is taken for granted,

As we burn fossil fuels,

Ignore all the rules,

And destroy precious trees; not replanted.


Hatred and greed

Seem to have become a big need, 

To many who don’t consider what matters.

They kill without care,

About human beings or their despair

When families are left in tatters.


I’d like to campaign,

  To have bubbles attain,

The symbol for peace and tranquility.

They soothe as they move,

Hoping to prove

We could be on our way to stability.


So, mix up your water and soap,

With a circle to dip in and hope

That blowing out bubbles will help cope, 

With the hatred and fear inside.

And how it should be,

When we can now see

The beauty that bubbles won’t hide. 


Shape changers they are,

Their performance a big star

For watching and becoming mesmerized.

That’s what we all need,

A respite from greed

That helps our loving emotions arise.

A little girl playing in giant bubbles

My Second Tornado Scare


The Mennonite Girl In Mexico — Part Three