How I Discovered The Wonder and Magic of Crystals
Photo by Studio Kealaula
Having a deep fear of the ocean from nearly drowning in my youth, I was skeptical about wading out into the sea with my husband, one afternoon even though the sea was calm, but he kept reassuring me I’d be okay. He really wanted me to give it a try.
We were in Mexico on the Pacific side of the country, where the ocean was usually rough, and more to a surfer’s liking than a swimmer’s. But Marty, my husband, loved the water and talked me into going wading with him whenever the sea was calmer. Like this day.
Although still considered low tide, as we walked in water knee-deep, it was on the rise, as waves were coming in a little bigger and more frequent. Not too scary; not until the waves started getting bigger. I told Marty that I wanted to turn back.
“I’m really nervous,” I told him. “The waves are coming heavier and higher.”
Just before we turned around, we dropped down a trough in the sandy soil the waves had made. It wasn’t too deep, but climbing back up was hard because the waves were getting bigger and pulling me back, instead of helping me move forward. When I heard the roar of a big wave, I turned to look behind me. A wall of water was curling toward me, which looked as big as a house. I hurried as fast as I could to get back to flatter sand, closer to shore before it hit. But as I watched the wave get closer I became petrified, unable to run away from it.
“Stand sideways so that you’re not such a big target,” my husband yelled to me.
I did as he suggested. I stood sideways and stiffened my body just as the wave slammed into me. The force of water flipped my right leg around, but the left one stayed planted firmly in the sand. I heard a pop just before I felt pain rip through my knee, which brought me down with an agonizing scream.
My husband got to me just before I went completely underwater, and began holding me up as he tried to take me to shore as I screamed in agony. A man happened to be walking by at that moment, saw the struggle my husband was having, as well as hearing my screams, and offered his help.
When we got to our campground, our neighbor saw the two guys dragging me between them as I kept up my screams. She pulled up a chair for me to plop into then ran to get an ice pack. My knee was swelling up like a balloon, and the pain was horrific.
After taking some Ibuprofen and continuing to keep the ice-pack on my knee, we headed to the hospital in town for x-rays. The doctor told us that the x-rays showed nothing broken, suggested we keep the knee ice-packed, and it should be better the next day.
It wasn’t. The next day, it was twice the size as it was the first day, and hurt like hell.
Coincidentally, there was a vacationing doctor in the park, who came every winter for about a month and was always helpful to anyone in need of care. We were told that this doctor was a regular MD, specializing in orthopedic problems back home, but in Mexico, he practiced Crystal Healing. Several people suggested that I call on him to help me.
Photo by J. Sharland Day
“What the hell is Crystal Healing?” I wanted to know, not wanting some woo-woo person making the situation worse.
“He uses crystal energies for healing pain and wounds,” I was told by one of the do-gooders.
“No thanks,” I responded, adding the fact that we had made an appointment for a week after we returned home with an orthopedic doctor. We’d be back in the States in three weeks since we were driving, and so I’d wait for a real doctor.
“Oh, I assure you that this man here is the real deal,” a friend from the RV and Cabana Park told me. “In fact, he is treating my husband for a nasty wound from a fall off of our RV ladder three days ago, and he is nearly healed. Ordinarily, it would take weeks for that big gash to heal up, the sprain to ease and the bruises to go away,” she said. “Besides,” she continued, “what do you have to lose? It wouldn’t hurt to talk to him, you know.”
Yeah, whatever, I thought, but said, “You’re right. It can’t hurt to talk to him.” So she asked the doctor to stop by, which he did early that afternoon.
He asked me the usual questions about my injury, how it happened, and after touching and feeling my knee, and from my responses to his touch, he said he was pretty sure it was a torn meniscus. Without an MRI, he couldn’t say for certain, but that was his best guess and explained what he would do if I would accept his treatment.
He told us that he was, indeed, a practicing MD in Canada, and specialized in orthopedic injuries. When he would come to this village in Mexico, he has lots of opportunities for helping injuries common at this surfers’ beach town. But with crystals.
He said, “I’ve come to use crystals because I’d been suffering from a malady for years, and couldn’t find a doctor that could help me, so I researched alternative healing methods, found a person who did crystal healing, and learned all I could about that method. It worked. I was cured.”
“Therefore,” he’d told me, “I decided to continue my research in that field and get the items I felt would help heal the quickest and that is what I do here in Mexico.”
Just before he left, he gave me a book to read through that explained how crystals worked. As I read, I was amazed by the reasons why this method could work. It boiled down to the fact that crystals, created from powerful pressures and energies from the movements and creations of the earth, were infused with those same energies. The book said that by working with our own energies, the stones could be directed to specific areas and for specific needs to ease pain and start the healing process as a ‘team’ combining the stone’s and a person’s energies.
There was a lot more to the book, especially with more technical details, but I was only interested in finding out enough to make up my mind to go ahead with this treatment. I decided that I would give it a chance, and gave the man the go-ahead.
He came by a couple of hours later with his ‘gear’, which was a bag of tubes full of crystals that he wrapped around my knee and a small transformer that the other end of the crystal-filled tube was plugged into for an extra burst of energy.
After the first session, the pain waned and the swelling began to recede. I was encouraged. The doctor came back each day for the next six days before we were to pack up and head out. He used different stones each visit, which, he said, would aid in the healing. Rose Quartz was for calming, he’d told me, which he used the first two days. He added Amethyst, which was a powerful healer, he explained, for the next two sessions, and ended with garnet that finished up the treatments, because of its heated power to speed up healing.
I was still in an uncertain frame of mind. I didn’t completely understand this New Age concept and was not certain I believed in it. However, if I was feeling better, and would be able to walk normally instead of hobble, then I was good with it.
After the last session, and we were ready to head out with our RV and start the drive home, I was quite astonished at the improvement. I could walk, bend the knee, stomp around without pain, and with no swelling. Yet my skepticism remained; it was a fluke, I kept thinking.
However, after getting back to the States, doing a lot of sightseeing along the way, and no recurrence of pain, I was grateful for that small miracle. But I would soon learn of another miracle after my appointment with the orthopedic surgeon in the states for microscopic surgery to clip the torn part of the meniscus. The surgeon explained that the problem with a torn meniscus was that they were harder to heal if they ever did heal completely. Because it took a long time and great care not to put stress upon the area, it made healing more difficult. The best thing was to clip the torn part of that soft tissue to keep it from flapping and causing more pain, which was what he was going to do.
I wasn’t in surgery very long, I was told after coming out of the anesthesia. After going home, resting, and taking the pain pills prescribed, I returned for a consultation a week later. The doctor showed me small round photos of the area inside of the tear he’d taken with a scope, but he found that the meniscus had healed! I asked how that could be, and he just shrugged and said, “It’s rare, but it does happen, just not in such a short period of time.”
I didn’t give the crystal aspect of this ‘healing’ credit at first, since it was still beyond my understanding. I didn’t want to pursue the validity of crystals having anything to do with the mending of my meniscus. But from that point on, I kept meeting people who were very much into crystals and their healing powers. Each person would explain his or her own theories, philosophies, and beliefs. The more I learned, the more I started to believe in the whole ‘crystal healing’ notion.
Photo by Sara Johnston
I began experimenting with crystals, reading as much as I could find on the subject of crystal power, and feeling quite confident in this New Age, yet ancient belief in these beautiful stones. It was fascinating to learn that crystal healing was once the preferred method of healing to many people hundreds of years ago. Kings and queens would treasure these stones for their powers, wear them as jewelry, or have them sewn into their garments, headdresses, and even embed them in their weapons as totems for good luck and protection.
It seemed to me that if the power of stones went back as far as 4500 BC, according to documentation by the ancient Sumerians, with many still continuing to believe in them today, there must be something to them besides their beauty.
I keep researching this newfound, phenomenal power of stones, and I use them when in pain or am ill, when I don’t want to bother calling a doctor to help with relief. I am a believer because I have experienced, all too often, stones’ powers and energies that have helped me heal.
I also help others, who are receptive to trying the power of stones, by giving them specific ones for healing, as well as for protection.
Read two of my healing stories related to this one: