Love and Loss

A woman and a man standing on swings over a body of water at sunset

Photo by Azrul Aziz

I loved.

                                 An unplanned happening

                                             Of my heart, soul and being.


                                 I didn’t mean for it to happen;

                                 It was something just for fun.

                                 But it happened,





                                 It was because of your soul,

                                             Your smile that touched your eyes;

                                             Your gentleness,

                                             Your understanding,

                                                         Your caring.


                                             Why did you let it happen,

                                                         If you knew you wouldn’t be staying?

                                             Why did I let you become such a comfortable part of me,

                                                         If I didn’t feel you wanted to?


                                             I don’t like this emptiness you have left behind.

I don’t like this coldness I feel.

                                 I don’t like this pain from not having your love,

                                             Your communications,

                                             Your body.

                                 I don’t like not having you in my life.

                                 Yes, I loved.

                                 I didn’t mean for it to happen.

                                 It was an unplanned happening

                                             Of my heart,

                                         My soul,

                                             My being.

What was it for you?

A woman standing in solitude on a beach at sunset

The World War II Museum


Morning Routine - An Excerpt from my novel “Under the Umbrella of Paradise”