Making Our Way Down to Mexico
Photo by J. Sharland Day
The Hills & Plains, Oh my!
To travel ‘cross
This desert plain,
While heat is bearing down
Naught for miles
But shadow’s stain,
No water to be found.
‘Til we see a glistening sea
Just barely up ahead
Let’s hurry, I beseeched
For thirst doeth abound,
But no matter the hurried speed,
Or the distance we would go,
that sea would ne’er be reached,
a truth filled with woe.
Photo by J. Sharland Day
Wish we were still driving through plains
At least that is where peace remains.
Civilization does have its perks
But at rush hour, there’s too many jerks
Photo by J. Sharland Day
Leaving the city one early morn
To get ahead of the impending storm
We find that soon we will leave the rain
To climb the roads to higher planes
Yet roads and vision are not clearer there
To our chagrin, we’ve snow to bear
And we do not think that at any time
Our drive will soon turn more sublime
Because one false move with the steering wheel
To the Gods we must appeal
To save our asses from the slide
Into the abyss we see us glide
Soon, thankful for that constant prayer,
And white-knuckled hands that steer with care,
We are saved from that foregone despair
Of ending dead from a downhill ride.
Photo by J. Sharland Day
Photo by J. Sharland Day
At last we see the great blue sky
with sun to watch us passing by
as we drive into desert plains
glad to see no snow remains.
Taos, New Mexico, is on our way.
Time enough to stop and play.
Then on to Houston to catch a plane
To Mexico for winter, where we’ll remain.
Photo by J. Sharland Day
Photo by J. Sharland Day
This is why we are here:
Sun and beach and drinkin’ beer.
What more to ask to leave cold behind,
And all that pertains to winter’s grind,
But to choose a place and make the decision
To go somewhere warm and leave winter’s perdition.
So pack a bag and hop a plane
And know with warmth you will remain.