My soul is awakened by the gentle nudge of a song
That has filtered into the recesses of my mind
As it mingles with the deeds of work and play.
My soul is stirred with a breath of whispered longing
When I hear the harmonizing movement
Of instruments or voices
As it dances with my thoughts.
My soul is moved with beats of gladness
While the music throbs and strokes
My body into movement with
The incredible rhythm it provides and shares.
But my soul, my mind, my emotions are filled to capacity
By the blends of sounds that take the breath
And stirs the very essence of ‘being’
From the precision of energy and vibrance
That stroke the cords at the depth of my soul.
At this time, to dance, to move, to sing to the limits
With the surging of sound that merges with the building passions
Erupting from within
Are the only sane-savers.
For to do nothing, when the soul is filled,
Is to waste a passion rarely felt
To this degree.
A touch, a kiss, a caress,
Mounting to the fevered crescendo of music’s passion
Awakens the senses to greater depths
Of need, taking, blending, fusing
Into the pinnacle of emotion that passion arouses,
To climb to the heights far from normal senses,
Giving a taste of what is beyond, and feeling more acutely,
That fire which gives the greatest appreciation
To the music.
To be unable to touch, to give, to feel, by sharing the composition,
And to fulfill the passions evoked,
Brings forth an unrest, a longing, a pain from need so profoundly
The ache lingers and the unrest remains as a reminder
that the appreciation was not met with the
mergence of mind, body and Soul,
And the music has nearly lost its purpose
Until it can be played again
To climb
To merge,
To explore that musical realm once more.