Really? Not From Your Wife?
An erotic encounter from “Shadows of the Ripples”
Photo by Zelle Duda
Steve came up to the couple just finishing a waltz and asked Emily if she would care to dance with him.
Is he kidding? I never thought he’d ask, she thought, but only said, “I’d love to.” Then she turned to Jack to introduce the two men. She wanted to say that this was the man she wanted to take to bed, but she refrained from mentioning that bit of personal desire. She just said, “Jack, this is the man Larry said he’d caught me ‘flirting’ with. Steve Thomas.”
Steve laughed, as Jack extended his hand. “I’m Jack, I work with Emily.”
“It’s nice to meet you. I bumped into her,” he paused and then added, “Literally. That’s how we met. I saw this good-looking woman in purple walk by, and I was so busy watching her butt that I didn’t realize she’d stopped in front of me, and I ran right into her.”
Jack laughed. “That’s a good way to meet a woman, I must say. I’ll have to try it sometime!” Then he turned to Emily, “Thank you for the dance. Have fun. I’ll keep my eye on Larry.”
“Thanks, Jack!” she said, then turned to Steve when Jack walked away and said, “So, you were watching my butt?”
“Yes, I confess I was, and it’s a mighty fine one, at that.” She laughed as they strode onto the dance floor.
Emily didn’t want it to become a contest to see who could out-charm whom, so she coyly allowed him free rein to make him feel like the seducer. They laughed as he teased her mind with innuendoes of wanting more than dancing, and Emily pretended she didn’t understand his meaning. Her mock naiveté enticed him all the more. She wanted him to question her innocence and be caught off-guard when she made her move, for she wanted to know if he could be the man to satisfy her needs, to become the real-life lover, the man of her dreams. She needed to know.
Before the music stopped, Emily took Steve’s hand and guided him off the dance floor. She pulled him to the bank of elevators and pushed the ‘up’ button.
“Where on earth are we goin’?” Steve drawled playfully, seeming to like the mystery and sudden urgency he detected in her.
“You’ll see,” she answered with a wicked smile and flashing eyes.
When the large box began to ascend, Emily pushed the ‘stop’ button between floors and turned to Steve. He grabbed her, held her to him as his lips bore into hers. He kissed her neck and worked down to the roundness of her breasts that pushed upward over the low-cut neckline. He said he wanted to rip the dress off her and pin her to the floor, but this was not the place. And she knew there was no time for that kind of seduction. And, heaven forbid that he destroy her dress.
“God, you turn me on!” His moans were more agony than complimentary. He was panting hard as he reached between her legs through the overlapping folds of her skirt. His hand pulled the top of her black pantyhose down so that he could insert his fingers through the leg of her lacy bikinis. A deep moan oozed from her lips as his fingers penetrated. God, how she wanted him to take her! Right then and there!
But suddenly, the alarm in the elevator began to sound, just as she was ready to unzip his pants to release the hardened lump. She pulled herself away, pressed a floor number to get the elevator going and to stop its untimely shrill, then pushed ‘stop’ again.
She unzipped his pants and let out his very erect and very throbbing penis, which was of an admirable size, but not extraordinary, she comprehended. She then kneeled down and took him into her mouth. He let out a screech of surprise as she manipulated him nearly to the point of eruption. Without missing a beat, she reached into his back pocket to grab his handkerchief and laid it over the tip as she continued to stroke. It was only seconds before he ejaculated into the white linen.
“Oh, Jesus,” he mumbled as he sank to the floor. “That was incredible! It’s been a long time since I’ve had a blow job!”
“Really? Not from your wife?”
He shook his head. “Nah, she isn’t into oral sex.”
“That’s a shame! I think you enjoyed it!” Emily said teasingly, wiping her mouth and smoothing her dress.
As he groaned out an agreement with an enthusiastic “Oh yeah!” Emily said, “Ready to go back down before we’re missed?” Her voice teased. She was through with him. He could not compare to the man in her dreams.
He looked at her with amused amazement as he struggled to straighten himself up by propping himself against the wall while he zipped his pants back up.
He kissed her once more as the elevator halted on the dance floor level, but both stood in feigned conversation as the doors opened and they walked out.
After they went their separate ways and Emily got back to the table, she could see that she needed to get Larry to the room in a hurry or he’d be of no use to her what-so-ever.
“I think we’d better go,” she told Jack and Victoria. “It’s really been fun.