Psychological Suspense, Travel, Romance, Erotica, Paranormal - Stories, Poetry, and Excerpts

Read never before published stories and excerpts from J. Sharland’s novels including the fact-based-fiction suspense travel thriller Under the Umbrella of Paradise, the paranormal psychological suspense novel Shadows of the Ripples, and the suspense travel horror novel The RV Park.

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Gentry Bronson Gentry Bronson

The Winter I Ordered A Whole New Kitchen Built in Oregon and then Went to Mexico

It seemed to make a lot more sense to be having a good time in Mexico over the winter while the contractor created the perfect kitchen. He had a lot of work to do making custom cabinets, installing a new floor, new appliances, and creating a totally different layout after the room was gutted. He also had to install a new large bay window in the breakfast nook area and a smaller bay above the sink. Lots of work that I didn’t want to watch being done.

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