The Dance of the Candlestick Flower

Two Candlestick Flowers growing toward a bright blue sky

Photo by J. Sharland Day

From my window I did see,

Movements, peeking erratic-ally.

Who is looking in at me?

Someone that should not be?

I feared to seek

The one to sneak 

and take a peek

To be a freak

Or too meek

To meet one as chic

As I am thought to be.

Those thoughts instill

Against my will

Not a chill,

But a thrill

To now refill

Or fulfill

My yearns and needs and wants.

Alas, oh me

I feel to be

A silly she

Who wants to see

Herself as ye

Full of glee

And so carefree

As I look out through my window.

A Candlestick Flower growing upward around a whimsically-painted window

Photo by J. Sharland Day

Alas, ‘tis none

of one I’d stun

with grace and beauty won,

I just see sun,

a stem undone,

And one lonely flower.

Ah! The shadow moves

As it behooves

With its groove

I can’t improve

Or disapprove

Of its lovely, graceful swagger.

This tall bright flower

I can devour 

Its hypnotic power

To watch this hour

The layered tower

One cannot glower

At its magnificent flame

Its bright yellow cone

Layered and grown

Into a candlestick gnome

Grows not alone

And becomes overgrown

For with many its shown

A blooming, bright yellow Candlestick Flower

Photo by J. Sharland Day

As a beautiful masterpiece

It will dance and sway 

And make my day

To watch it play

But soon, with dismay

Goodbye I will say,

  I wish you could stay

When you start to decay. 

Come back the morrow, nay;

Not until next season.

After winter’s break

I’ll not forsake

Nor will I take

A remake,

And not a fake

None but the dancing flower.

For you are real, 

That’s your appeal

Which makes me feel

You are ideal.

As I kneel

And try to steal

Your glory.

Come next Spring

Gladness bring

When movements swing,

You’ll dance, I’ll sing

While we welcome in the summer.


The Jungle’s Secret, Part Four


The Jungle’s Secret, Part Three