The Garden of Earthly Surprises
Photo by J. Sharland Day
Alligator species, we were eager to see.
Would they be hidden,
Or would they just be
Out in the open, in water or on grass
A good chance they’d not be just scratching their ass.
I laugh at my little joke, poking fun at these critters
Some people would delight in eating their bitters
Rather than sweet tastes
For caressing the tongue
I’m certain the gator would taste bad to the young.
I admire these creatures when I’m standing afar.
It’s fun to spot one with mouths ajar
Ready for the unsuspecting
Morsal for lunch
Their jaws wide open, it might get a bunch.
Photo by J. Sharland Day
We drive further into this gardeny space
That is a lush and green and peaceful place
With a unique history
For each grove of trees
Or bamboo or bushes that attract the bees.
We saw green covered flat spots that were quite deceiving
We must not walk on this vine interweaving
There’d be a big surprise
of wet feet and more
As we spotted a gator pretending to snore.
Photo by J. Sharland Day
We jumped on the path and scurried away
To go see the Buddha that sat ready to pray
Up on a hill
‘Neath a large, glassed Pagoda
While people showed reverence practicing their yoga.
The garden of Camellias was large and wide
A vast variety that would not hide.
Now the blossoms were few,
Since it’s barely Spring,
An array of color another month would bring.
A disappointing arbor we drove beneath
‘Cause the now bare branches would later bequeath
A fountain of color
From Wisteria’s flow
Of breathtaking beauty, is what I know.
Photo by J. Sharland Day
On to see Bird City where the Snowy Egrets nest
A man-made place where these birds live and rest
In their own habitation,
Yet above gator’s snouts
To prosper in safety, is what this place is about.
What an inspiring experience we had there that day
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to build there and stay?
Alas, not possible
For that to be
It was made for the world to share and see.
I vow to return to this place someday
To seek out the Buddha, seek solace and pray
That the world
Would be as peaceful and kind
As the makers of this garden, indeed, had in mind.
Photo by J. Sharland Day