The Piano Man (A Tribute to Gentry Bronson)

Gentry Bronson singing and performing on a Yamaha keyboard

Photo by Bob Hakins

This Piano Man is tall and fit

His strides are long and slow

But when he sits upon the seat

In front of a grand piano

His fingers begin moving with great dexterity

whether he plays slow or fast

His music captures me

His left foot’s firmly planted on the floor beneath the Stein

while his right foot taps the pedal

to the rhythm with the time

His fingers caress the ivory keys

as he plays a melodic stanz

The tune can be haunting,

bring smiles and clapping hands

He opens his mouth to sing his songs

The soulful look on his face

has all the girls smitten, with his words full of grace

His stories are about his life

of loves won and lost

Of perils full of strife

as he questioned the cost

But something I can conclude and can be quite sure

they all are not experiences that seem clean and pure

But the Piano Man

He has a rhythm-minded soul

The Piano Man

Can easily

play rock and roll

Yet he keeps on singing

songs of his past

and of love he will feel

and is hoping will last

Young man playing a Steinway piano

He has the heart of a boy as sits on his throne

Making up music as he plays just for fun

It’s no wonder ’cause he comes from stock

the epitome of love

A hippie clan of gentleness, of peace signs and doves

The depth of his talents is extraordinary

and watching him is lots of fun with his little goatee

He has a laugh, although genuine

doesn’t seem to touch his soul

Like a lost little boy

who does not feel he’s quite whole

But the Piano Man

He has a rhythm-minded soul

The Piano Man

Can easily

play rock and roll

Yet he keeps on singing

songs of his past

and of love he will feel

and is hoping will last

He plays in concert halls, palapas and such

his music fills the space,

And your own souls he’ll touch

While watching his fingers race

Not a boring song you'll hear

His esoteric words to face

Bringing images near

He pounds out the melody with such veracity

emphasizing a passionate part

with the click of a wounded key

as if aimed at his injured heart

Some of his onerous songs

are quite symbolic

They are songs about falling in love

but with another wrong chick

Some songs are humorous,

Some are of woe

Giving a sign for this rhythm-minded soul

Gentry Bronson singing and playing with his band

Photo by Rob Nye

For the Piano Man

who can switch to rock and roll

The Piano Man

who sings of his past

and of love he will feel

and hoping to last

This Piano Man

will finally break free

of a loneliness that is not meant to be

Love will find a way into his soul

when happiness will come

and take some control

of the Piano Man

The Piano Man

Listen to music by Gentry Bronson here.


The Extended Inquisition (A Story Handed Down by Priests in Guanajuato, Mexico)


Despair (In the Name of Religion)