What Is That Painted All Over the Buildings? (Street Art, Folk Art, or Graffiti?) - A Poem
Photo of street art in Spain by J. Sharland Day
Graffiti all over the buildings, Oh my!
How can they let this go on?
The colors covering spaces we walked by,
Miss-matched browns would have covered each one,
If we were in the States, that is,
For graffiti is not condoned.
But in España it’s encouraged, it ‘tis,
Because it was there wherever we roamed.
A friend in Valencia said to me,
“I love to see all the folk art around.”
“The what?” I asked, wondering what I’d missed.
Was there a gallery to be found?
“The art on the buildings at the streets you’ve paced,”
Was his soft appreciative sigh.
“Are you talking about the graffiti?” I asked,
Astounded by his odd reply.
“Yes, the street art, or the folk art, we call it here,
“It’s all so cre-a-tive.
“Instead of destroying that artsy steer,
“It is encouraged, I do believe.
“That way, the city streets are brightly filled,
“Instead of just letting them be,
“And artists of all kinds have large canvases,
“To fill for you and me.”
Photo of street art in Spain by J. Sharland Day
I began to look at the graffiti,
With a greater apprecia-tion.
And at the cities of this land
Encouraging expression over suppres-sion.
I also found that the more colorful ones
Were those that I liked most.
The talents with their statements made,
Seemed like visionary boasts.
And so, from now on when I see,
A bunch of defacing graf-fi-ti,
I will not be
As critical and disgusted
By the surfaces that are painted with
Bright colors and are dusted
With statements that show heart-felt truths
Or talents to be trusted.
I will look beyond the signage there,
That shows, instead, a need to share,
One’s outlook and philosophy,
Or one’s gifts for all to see,
And appreciate that which is meant to show,
One’s need to express what they know.
Unless it's a vulgar expression.
Like a “Fuck You” impression
Making one say, “Oh no!”
Photo of street art in Spain by J. Sharland Day