A Silly Poem about the Massive Flock of Grus Grus
Photo by J. Sharland Day
A big damn bird flew in front of our car,
As we drove down the road to Seville (Sayveea).
It landed in a field but was too far
To see what it might be-a.
Was it a giant bird or small plane?
I chuckled to myself.
That thought was silly and quite inane
Yet I knew it was no elf.
I grabbed my camera for to click
A photo of that giant bird
But we whizzed by it much too quick
And my shot was very blurred.
I could not tell what it was
By that blurry countenance
I only knew it had long jaws
And tall legs by its stance.
A crane, I concluded, sorry I missed
That photo opportunity
We did not stop, nor did I insist
That we go back for me to see
What that thing was with a colossal wingspan
And really long feathery neck
But soon I spied the rest of the clan
Far away and only a speck.
Hundreds of specks were flying away
Up high into the sky
That flock soon turned and seemed to sway
Like a black wave on the fly.
I pointed to that flock of birds
So that the others would not miss
For that vision I had no words
And felt a momentary bliss.
Photo by J. Sharland Day
The car pulled over and we all climbed out
To watch that flock in the sky
I was glad that we diverted and had to reroute
Just to see that mass of birds fly
Their grace as a unit was quite amazing to me
And I wished I knew their name.
I was sure that the internet would allow me to see
That this bird was rare and with fame.
But alas, when I went online
To check out the lineage by name
I found that it was nothing sublime
But a common Grus Grus of crane.
Oh well, I thought, it was special to me.
Since we were now in España
Everything was special to see
And I was eager for more mañana,
When we arrived in Sayvee.