Psychological Suspense, Travel, Romance, Erotica, Paranormal - Stories, Poetry, and Excerpts

Read never before published stories and excerpts from J. Sharland’s novels including the fact-based-fiction suspense travel thriller Under the Umbrella of Paradise, the paranormal psychological suspense novel Shadows of the Ripples, and the suspense travel horror novel The RV Park.

Follow J. Sharland’s blogs at or to stay up-to-date on her newest writing and publications.

Gentry Bronson Gentry Bronson

What’s with Mother Nature?

Mother Nature has many forms of paybacks,

It's not just twisters or hurricanes.

There're volcanos, earthquakes, and big damned cracks,

Does she want no one to remain?

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Gentry Bronson Gentry Bronson

My Second Tornado Scare

The sudden fatalistic sound of a huge train engine coming at us made the building shake and made me want to throw up from the terror that overwhelmed me.

People began to scream and hold their hands over their ears. Our kids asked, “What’s that sound, Dad?” and “I’m scared, Mommy!” and “What about Charlie?”

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