What’s with Mother Nature?
Photo by Shashank Sahay
The hurricane barreled toward our winter home,
On the coast of the Yucatan.
But veered last minute, further south to roam,
A wider berth with which to span.
Trees were felled, and rooftops sprang leaks,
The damage minuscule.
It could have been far worse from the wind’s shrieks,
If Mother Nature had wanted to be cruel.
But she spared our home that had talismans aplenty,
To ward off destruction by Beryl or any
Number of catastrophes from one to twenty
With given names, we hope there aren’t many.
Across the peninsula and up the Gulf Coast
Toward the closest state.
Houston gets a blast first and foremost,
Beryl left destruction in its wake.
What is Mother Nature trying to tell us,
From her constant attitude,
Of showing that she can make a fuss,
Whenever she wants to be rude?
Is it something we’ve said, or done, or still do,
To provoke her massive ire?
When she tries to show us that we haven’t a clue,
When we allow bad things to transpire?
I don’t have an answer about Mother Nature’s wants,
Since her destruction gets worse every year,
Reading about her antics still haunts
From the fact we have much to fear.
But it seems that a better respect for her,
Could go a long, long way.
To show her that we really do care and we’re
Ready to clean-up our act and pay.
To make our world more sustainable, cleaner, and refined
So, she doesn’t have tantrums to throw,
When she thinks we all are blind
Acting crazy with a furious blow.
Photo by JD Designs
Mother Nature has many forms of paybacks,
It’s not just twisters or hurricanes.
There’re volcanos, earthquakes, and big damned cracks,
Does she want no one to remain?
Is it her quest for no one to survive this life,
So that she can start anew?
To have a world full of joy and no strife
With no reasons for her to spew.
I doubt we’ll make many changes for the best,
It seems we’re digging our hole deeper,
But my hope is that soon we can become more blessed,
And not have to face the Grim Reaper.